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Executive Staff

Jordan Raper

General Manager

Executive Staff

Ryan Tetro

Shore Regional Director

Tetro founded MFA Shore in 2020. Four years later...

Phillip Iuliano

Central Regional Director

With more than 30 years of exp...

Eric Paone-Hurd

MFA Director of Marketing & Shore Director of Operations

With more than 10 years of exp. in front office athletics...

Dominick Bucci

Girls Director of Coaching

Executive Staff

Richard Bentley

Morris Regional Director & Girls ECNL Director

He eats, sleeps and breathes the game...

PJ Barrett

Mercer Boys Regional Director

Executive Staff

Brian Woods

Boys Director of Coaching

Woods, a decorated teacher of the game...

Vincent Nasuta

Ocean Regional Director

Executive Staff

James Moore

Mercer Girls Regional Director

Executive Staff

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